Says a lot, promises many things? Yes. But has "she" accomplished anything for the people?o. BiIsIs Adulterouson al-Qlinton's old "lady" is an empty pantsuit, flame-retardant or otherwise.
Summing up in a single sentence the record of accomplishment of each of the other candidates:
Mike Huckabee governed for an entire decade the entire state "she" entirely abandoned.
Mitt Romney saved the Olympics and balanced a liberal state's budget each year he was its governor.
Duncan Hunter turned around the border at San Diego with his fence, cutting down crime there by over half as well as nearly all smuggling of drugs and illegal aliens.
Fred Thompson was a very successful actor and, as U.S. senator, forced the federal government to disclose the costs and benefits of regulations and to better protect its computers from outside attack by hackers.
Ron Paul was a U.S. Air Force flight surgeon and, as U.S. representaitve, barred International Criminal Court jurisdiction over our Troops.
Rudy Giuliani cleaned up New York City and led it through its worst-ever wartime emergency.
John McCain survived for a half decade inside the Viet Cong's POW torture chambers and, as U.S. senator, outlawed pre-election free speech.
Barack Hussein Obama, the only African American in the U.S. Senate (there are 16 women in it), became the fourth African American man to have ever served there (35 women have), second to be popularly elected, first to be elected to it from Illinois, and first from any state in over two decades, and was the first African American president of the Harvard Law Review.
Mike Gravel was a Counter Intelligence Corps special agent and, as U.S. senator, single-handedly ended the draft and released all of the Pentagon Papers.
John Edwards got a jury to believe he was a little girl.
Dennis Kucinich was Cleveland's mayor and made contact with a UFO.
Compared to theirs, what sums up "Her" Nibs' "record"? Road the coattails of a husband "she" won't divorce no matter how many times he cheats on and humiliates "her"? Got two — that's right, just two — bills passed in the Qongress, one renaming a post office and the other designating one old house an historic site? And...? and...
And that's it!
(Some eggs-peer-we-ants.)
We need our country's first woman president to be someone who's actually accomplished something real for the people, who never had to rely on a husband to get it done, and who'd already built that strong record of independent, individual accomplishment before endeavoring to run for the highest office in our land.
Someone who's not anything like Hillosery Road'em al-Qlinton.
Update: (11:01pm) R. Paul's summary and D. Kookspinich's mayoralship added.
Labels: clue-challenged liberals (BIRM), elitist despot liberals (BIRM), megalomaniacal liberals (BIRM)

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