Thursday, January 03, 2008 |
Obama upsets former "front runner," beating closest challenger by a larger margin than al-Qerry did in 2004.nevitable" nomination no more for BiIsIs's al-Qlinton's old "lady" and "her" old and stale plant-ridden qampaign:
"With 98 percent of the nearly 2,000 precincts reporting, [Sen. Hanoi John F'in' al-Q]erry won 38 percent of the state convention delegates, with 32 percent for [Sen. John] Edwards, 18 percent for [Gov. Howard] Dean and 11 percent for [Rep. Dick] Gephardt, according to figures reported by the Iowa Democratic Party."
"With 96 percent of the precincts reporting Thursday evening, [Sen. Barack Hussein] Obama had 38 percent of the vote while John Edwards had 30 percent and
Hillary Clinton [BJ Qlinton's old "lady"] had 29 percent. Bill Richardson had 2 percent."
Thank You, our merciful
Lord in Whom alone we trust, for delivering America and her people from the "inevitable" clutches of her worst domestic enemy.
Labels: Good News, Sealing the fate of freedom's enemies, They Campaign We Decide '08

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