Thursday, January 31, 2008 |
"you've been a member of a do-nothing Qongress. What have you gotten done there for the people? Besides just talk."fter
Hillosery scrapes "her" glass jaw off the floor, "she"'ll sputter a bit before opening "her" petulant-sounding mouth and sticking her well
-heeled foot vastly back in it again.
John Sydamnesty MqQain III can't ask that question in a debate.
"You're a senator in a do-nothing Qongress. What top executive-branch experience does that give you again? Besides how to yak in committee."
After Barack Hussein Obama stands in stupefied silence for a while, he'll yammer a bit about serving in this or that committee before making his audience's eyes glaze over and, thus, reinforcing precisely your point.
John Sydamnesty MqQain III can't ask that question in a debate.
"Voters look at what a person has done far more than what he or she [or 'she'] says or promises. As a senator in a do-nothing Qongress which has the lowest public approval rating in modern memory, can you tell the voters what you have done there?
raise your own salary."
John Sydamnesty MqQain III can't ask that question in a debate.
That's because each and every one of these same questions can be asked right back at him.
Plus his debate opponent can ask him more than a few not applicable to any of the other Republican candidates. For examples:
"You weren't technically born on U.S. soil. Or do you believe the Panama Canal Zone was sovereign U.S. territory at the time you were born there?
Do you dread anyone raising this issue in some federal court as an argument against your being constitutionally qualified to serve as president?"
"You couldn't get your own immigration-reform bill — a bill supported by the president — to even pass the Senate. Doesn't that show, more than anything else, that you really can't get the job done?"
"Your campaign-finance reform bill was supposed to take money out of politics and 'eliminate the appearance of corruption in Washington, D.C.' but has miserably failed to get the job done. In fact, you yourself have pulled in the same big-donor contributions you were once all against. Does that not apparently make you a hypocrite as well as incompetent to solve this problem?"
John Sydamnesty MqQain III can't answer these questions in a debate and avoid his coming across as other than irredeemably flawed.
Labels: elitist despot liberals (BIRM), megalomaniacal liberals (BIRM), narcissist liberals (BIRM), Unabashed Sellouts of America, Washington D(istrict of )C(rooks), Where's the Fence?

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