Closing the book on BiIsIs and Hillosery — and tossing it in the fire.F
our elections and roughly seven hundred scandals ago, our fathers and mothers voted into the White House an unprecedented sleaze, steeped in corruption, illegality, and general wrongdoing, and dedicated to the proposition that all men and women are created to serve a national socialist government controlled solely by it.
Now we are engaged in another general election, testing whether we want to endure the very same sleaze, so dedicated, all over again.
We here highly resolve that this shall never be what we want; that BiIsIs and Hillosery shall not have a new term in the White House; and that their corrupt dynasty despotically of them both, by them both, and for them both, shall utterly perish from the earth.
More than that, today's voters have a chance to do over, getting it much better this time, practically all of what those earlier ones regrettably allowed back in 1992.
That year it was someone who was the 42nd governor of Arkansas, who was from Hope, and who chose as his running mate someone who was a senator from Tennessee, whom voters elected to be our nation's 42nd president. Except our original batch was one of worst we ever turned out.
This year we can take that batch and substitute all its ingredients with vastly improved ones: It'd be someone who was the 44th governor of Arkansas, who was from Hope, and who chooses as his running mate someone who was a senator from Tennessee, whom voters elect to be our nation's 44th president.
Call it Karma, restoring the balance, or even rightful restitution. It's as close to time travel to undo a massive national mistake as we'll ever get in this lifetime.
As the torch passes to a new generation of American voters, let the very first thing we do with it be to thus consummately burn up the book we've closed on the corrupt, despotic dynasty of BiIsIs and Hillosery al-Qlinton. It'd be in keeping with our whole national experience, too:
In the entire history of U.S. presidential elections, no Demoqrat senator has ever beaten a Republican state governor, either former or serving. The reason's obvious: There's no substitute for the latter's actual experience of running an executive branch of government, especially in time of war.
Even more important, no governor from a Southern state who runs for president has ever lost an open presidential election.
Mike Huckabee is a former, multi-term Republican governor from a Southern state. He's no son of a big state governor like the only other governor — the one from a Northern state, by the way, like Michael Dukakis was — running for president. He hasn't been a member of Congress and D.C. society for the last several decades. He's been married once and never once taken a mistress. He has no former, disgracefully impeached president as his spouse. He isn't a messiah. He is a Republican from Hope.
With former Tennessee senator Fred Thompson running as vice president on the same ticket, Governor Huckabee will be elected our nation's 44th president.
The fact he wants to do away with the IRS (aka Public Enemy No. 1) and replace it with the universal, monthly-prebate Fair Tax, is a plus. The fact he wants to use any portion of that tax's revenue to fund one or more new nanny-state programs, we here also highly resolve to convince him that it'd be in both his and our best interests not to.
Congressman Duncan Hunter, a Vietnam combat veteran whose son is a Marine officer and Operation Iraqi Freedom combat veteran, calls Governor Huckabee his personal choice for president. He says
- I got to know Governor Huckabee well on the campaign trail. Of the remaining candidates I feel that he is strongly committed to strengthening national defense, constructing the border fence and meeting the challenge of China's emergence as a military superpower that is taking large portions of America's industrial base.
Along with these issues of national security, border enforcement and protecting the U.S. industrial base, I see another quality of Mike Huckabee's candidacy that compels my endorsement. Mike Huckabee is a man of outstanding character and integrity. I saw that character over the last year of campaigning and was greatly impressed. The other Republican candidates have many strengths and I wish them all well. My personal choice is Mike Huckabee.
My first choice for the President and Vice President ticket, as you can see in the sidebar, is the one of former Missouri Governor John Ashcroft and our current Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice. Barring some political equivalent of a miracle in the next few days, I'm going to take that banner down and replace it with one showing that the ticket of
Governor Huckabee and Senator Thompson is my personal choice as well.
Labels: John Ashcroft, Power to the people, President Huckabee, They Campaign We Decide '08, Vice President Thompson

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