Brown Privilege™ in an English-speaking "country."iscriminatorats and their racism are still allowed to thrive in twenty-first-century America.
- John Fund on the Trail
Mi Casa, Sue Casa
Nancy Pelosi tries to force the Salvation Army to hire people who can't speak English. [
Say Anything]
That's because she's the leading purveyor of Brown Privilege™ in
our her al-Qongress. Which makes her one of its topmost racists.
How else is a race-based panderer going to get the Racist Vote® for her Demoracist Party if she can't engage in blatant acts of protective racism?
- It's been less than a week since New York's Sen. Hillary Clinton and Gov. Eliot Spitzer had to climb down from their support of driver's licenses for illegal aliens. Now House Speaker Nancy Pelosi has moved to kill an amendment that would protect employers from federal lawsuits for requiring their workers to speak English.
Being a staunch anti-English racist, Screecher Peloseri hates "you people" who speak only English. So it's no surprise she would abuse her high office and its powers to protect her fellow racists and their racist aims.
She just wants her al-Qongress to stay the racially-driven Peculiar Institution of extremists it inevitably became, to everyone's growing disgust, after Americans remorsefully allowed her Demoslaverat Party to be its master.
- Among the employers targeted by such lawsuits: the Salvation Army.
Being a staunch anti-Christian bigot as well, Segregator Pelooni can't stand the Christian-connoted "salvation" in that organization's name.
But she has no problem marching right out there with the Brown Privilege™ Army, standing in all the doorways of her al-Qongress to block the admittance of anyone so uppity as to demand nothing more than the truly equal protections of America's laws.
Sen. Lamar Alexander, a moderate Republican from Tennessee, is dumbstruck that legislation he views as simple common sense would be blocked.
That's because Missa Peloopi's racism, like that exhibited by her racist colleagues, trumps common sense, Senator Alexander.
She'll lose her racist grip over her plantation House if she doesn't viciously block all common-sense efforts such as yours to end racial discrimination against English-speaking people.
- He noted that the full Senate passed his amendment to shield the Salvation Army by 75-19 last month, and the House followed suit with a 218-186 vote just this month. "I cannot imagine that the framers of the 1964 Civil Rights Act intended to say that it's discrimination for a shoe shop owner to say to his or her employee, 'I want you to be able to speak America's common language on the job,'" he told the Senate last Thursday.
Nor did the Civil Rights Act's framers intend there to be a protected Brown Privilege™ that discriminates against People of Common Language, either.
Of course they never expected an overtly racist speaker like Ninny Proracist (D-KKKalifexico) would ever be running the House of Representatives and turning it into her own racially-divided plantation.
But that's exactly what the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission is trying to do. In March the EEOC sued the Salvation Army because its thrift store in Framingham, Mass., required its employees to speak English on the job. The requirement was clearly posted and employees were given a year to learn the language. The EEOC claimed the store had fired two Hispanic employees for continuing to speak Spanish on the job. It said that the firings violated the law because the English-only policy was not "relevant" to job performance or safety.
Your government at "work," Mr. & Mrs. America.
Let's see how speaking English isn't "relevant" in an English-speaking country:
Prospective Donor: I'd like to contribute a million dollars to the Salvation Army today.
Brown Privilege™ Employee: No entiendo su lengua.
Prospective Donor: What?
Brown Privilege™ Employee: Hable en español, por favor.
Prospective Donor: Oh, never mind.
Manager: Don't pick up that box of donated food. We just found out it's full of deadly botulism.
Brown Privilege™ Employee: No entiendo su lengua.
Manager: What?
Brown Privilege™ Employee: Hable en español, por favor.
Manager: Oh, never mind.
Obviously, there's no reason anyone enjoying the Brown Privilege™ deliberately protected by Nanny Panderi's al-Qongress has to actually intermingle with
those people at his job.
"If it is not relevant, it is discriminatory, it is gratuitous, it is a subterfuge to discriminate against people based on national origin," says Rep. Charles Gonzalez of Texas, one of several Hispanic Democrats in the House who threatened to block Ms. Pelosi's attempts to curtail the Alternative Minimum Tax unless she killed the Alexander amendment.
One of Speaker of the House Racist of the Plantation Bigoti's racist colleagues saying and doing racist-based things?
Did the sun rise in the east that morning or something?
Just as unsurprising, we're seeing on Missa Pethugi's Plantation the first rumblings of a wide-scale revolt coming from her own beaten and whipped servants.
The confrontation on the night of Nov. 8 was ugly. Members of the Hispanic Caucus initially voted against the rule allowing debate on a tax bill that included the AMT "patch," which for a year would protect some 23 million Americans from being kicked into a higher income tax bracket.
Majority Leader Steny Hoyer, a moderate from Maryland, was beside himself. Congressional Quarterly reports that he jabbed his finger on the House floor at Joe Baca, the California Democrat who chairs the Hispanic Caucus, and yelled, "How dare you destroy this party? This will be the worst loss in 10 years."
Well, seems Missa Nincompoopi's racially-motivated protection of Brown Privilege™ and pandering to race-baiting racists in her racism-steeped party's Plantation House will have one positive outcome after all.
The racist, extremist, separatist Race-Based Caucus chair Massa Joe Baca's wild-eyed responses are described in the remainder of Mr. Fund's article.
Labels: clue-challenged liberals (BIRM), elitist despot liberals (BIRM), government over beyond and forsaking the people, immigration deform, liberalism: THE ideology of hate, more liberal intolerance

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