Tuesday, October 02, 2007 |
You're standing in our Troops' light.rom Michael J. Totten's Middle East Journal comes a firsthand account of this civil affairs mission (partly R-rated for language;
small dead animals). It's one of many that's helping extend the progress of freedom and hope among all people of Iraq's Anbar Province, as well as showing for all the world to see just some of the great and positive history the members of our nation's Armed Forces and government agencies are indelibly making there.
If Sorry Reid weren't so hell bent on shutting down his political opposition here, he might instead allow time for the media to cover these brave Americans' numerous successes in Iraq. Then our Troops wouldn't have to again ask another embedded journalist—
- "Are you going to bash us or what?" he finally said.
"I didn't come all the way out here in August just to bash you guys," I said. I felt some sympathy for his complaint, but was at the same time tired of hearing it. "I write what I see and hear, good and bad. You won't get bad press from me unless you act badly."
"Thank you," he said. "You'll be the first."
I'm hardly the first. I know several journalists, political liberals as well as conservatives, who write it straight and don't wallow in soldier-bashing. But the soldier-bashing that's also out there sure does make an impression. Every journalist who embeds in Iraq must hear these complaints as often as I did, and I heard it daily.
Labels: Good News, our Freedoms' Defenders, Sealing the fate of freedom's enemies, Troop Victories, World War IV

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