Or, I should say, from the Ruler of the Known Universe's telepathically shielded vocal organ.resident Bush," alas, is President Bush.
A broken spirit, not alien abduction, explains his willingness of late to sup with al-Qennedy and other liberals using a short spoon when certain courses not solely consisting of a World War IV ingredient (thankfully that, at least) are served.
Appreciate the Moxargon Group answering my question about the Abduction Theory™. I mean, who better to rule out the involvement of any of their fellow non-Earthlings than they?
Indeed, as proof of their vastly superior universal knowledge, Remulak MoxArgon the Overlord-in-Chief himself not only cleared that one up but, in response to another reader's question, offered the best solution I've seen so far to two of the most intractable problems now facing our planet:
- I'm proposing a law for the return of the stocks, where people can buy water balloons and rotten tomatoes to toss at the offending celebrity, money going to charity. I think the Paris Hilton/ Lindsay Lohan/ Nicole Ritchie axis of drunk will alone raise enough money to eliminate poverty in Africa.
Out of control celebrities and African poverty both solved. Astounding.
Goes to show you they aren't just another bunch of pretty faces up there.
Labels: George Walker Bush, VRWCospheracy

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