Everybody is Anybody But Bush.resident Bush's plan to become a Dhimmiqrat in all but the formal change-of-party announcement so that.... well, so... uh, that is... er....
What was the question again?
Wait, I remember! The method behind all his LOST supporting, borders erasing, climoonbatism swallowing, state sponsor of terrorism negotiating, D'qrat Cong pork signing madness is to give Republican presidential candidates the chance of more credibly running against him than the al-Qaedaqrat ones feel they're doing now.
That way it'll seem, and more importantly be covered by a confused demstream media as if our decision on November 4, 2008, is actually whether the Republican or the Dhimm al-Qrat on that ballot is better than George Bush. (See France.)
Since the incumbent president is fast becoming only slightly better than whoever this Dhimmiqrat winds up being, we'll see our decision then as one of the most easy any generation of American voters has ever had to make: The terrorist appeasing, porkbarrel spending, UN kowtowing, illegal immigrant abetting pair of potted plants podded peas? or the Iranofascist buttkicking, federal budget slashing, Eurabiappeasers b*!@#slapping, U.S. sovereignty defending Republican?
"Well, duhhh," every voter right of Ticked "Gulag" Turbin (i.e., 95%) will be saying as they select the latter.
Call it triangulation on crack.
It's up to conservatives to make sure America's always conservative-leaning voters end up with that crystal clear choice.
Labels: They Campaign We Decide '08

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