Welcome to the Estados Unidos Senate.mnesty for homeland invaders will be stopped dead in its tracks tomorrow if any five of the following eight senators just say no to its advancing even one step farther towards our already too porous borders:
- They are Sens. Kit Bond (R., Mo.), Sam Brownback (R., Kan.), Richard Burr (R., N.C.), Norm Coleman (R. Minn), John Ensign (R. Nev.), Ben Nelson (D., Neb.), Mark Pryor (D., Ark.) and Jim Webb (D., Va.).
Names in bold are the senators who voted three weeks ago with 44 others to kill the monstrous Instant Z-Visa Amnesty before it could finish rising up off the operating table in the mad Doctors Framnestein's hideous backroom social laboratory.
Contact Senators Bond, Burr, Coleman, Ensign, Pryor, and Webb, and let them know we're counting on them to show the same political courage in stopping this latest version of those mad scientists' most dangerous experiment.
Tell them not to believe the promise lie that — all of a sudden — deportation is an option.
- For years, supporters of amnesty have told us that deportation is impractical in contemporary America. But now the Grand Bargainers' press releases teem with promises of deportation. Senator Graham's office explains what would happen to heads of household who refuse to go along with the touchback requirement: "They will be deported along with their spouse and any non-American citizen children." (Their American citizen children will presumably be sent to the nearest orphanage.) "Aliens who overstay their visa by more than 60 days will be apprehended, detained, and deported." (Aliens who have overstayed for 59 days will generously be allowed exactly another 24 hours before their apprehension and deportation.) Given that we can't find 600,000 absconders in the country now, these promises are obviously laughable.
Encourage them to stand up for all true law-abiding immigrants — our invited guests who respect, follow, and appreciate our laws, but who'd be played for suckers if that destructive Amonstery breaks out of the Senate — and to refuse the mad scientists' bribes to look the other way.
- [T]he Republican Grand Bargainers are willing to go as far as they dare in putting more enforcement around the edges of the deal. For weeks, they insisted that the bill was tough on enforcement, but suddenly it now needs all sorts of enhancements. It is transparent that their commitment to these enhancements begins and ends with the need to pick off enough Republican votes to get through the next cloture vote.
Thank them when they vote to represent We their Bosses according to our expressed will.
Labels: government over beyond and forsaking the people, immigration deform, undocumented lawbreakers

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