Anything you say about homosexuality same-sex oral and/or anal sex in violation of Our Thought Codex®, We will use against you in Our courts of "law."emotalibanic Party leaders and other leftists' vaunted "toleration" is a sham. Whatever viewpoints liberals arbitrarily declare "intolerable" they automatically and absolutely condemn.
These totalitarianists would like nothing better than to impose on us all — themselves excluded, of course — a vast array of laws and judicial orders that establish tyrannies of correctitude under which no one's utterance or expression not pre-approved by them may ever exist without his suffering harsh, "legal" consequences. No defense may be offered. No appeal may be heard.
If we give such dictators the least chance to do so, they will act to impose on everyone else this duty to remain silent:
- The political left, which holds itself as progressive, rational and fact-based, is becoming an enemy of academic inquiry, and a practitioner of thought control on a wide variety of issues. Increasingly, from the left's perspective, there is just one acceptable viewpoint.
Consider the subjects of evolution, global warming, special rights for homosexuals and abstinence education. Consider efforts of the left to silence conservative talk radio. Consider the mainstream media's arrogant denial of its transparent liberal bias, pronouncing itself to be above politics and inherently objective and its critics somehow skewed.
Consider the leftist refrain that red-state conservatives do not merely possess a different worldview, but are not part of the "reality-based community." Consider the near monolithic liberalism and secularism of our university faculties.
The U.S. House is expected to pass a landmark federal law that would expand hate crimes legislation to include attacks against lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender citizens. Opponents argue that it's conceivable under the bill that if a rabbi, priest or pastor reads to his congregation a passage from the Bible condemning homosexuality, he could be considered an accomplice to any parishioner who later commits a "hate crime" against a homosexual.
Thankfully, President Bush's veto pen has stopped gathering dust and is ready to send this highly objectionable evisceration of our freedoms' defenses too back to that Demotalibanic plantation the terrorists lovingly call their al-Qongress.
Labels: elitist despot liberals (BIRM)

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