Give them a path to citizenship? They're just doing the jobs no American will do?ox News' Catherine Herridge just reported that three of the six "alleged" terrorists who were planning to massacre many of our Troops at Fort Dix and elsewhere were "undocumented." She doesn't know yet where they "undocumentedly" entered our country.
Strategic Forecasting Inc., however, has the scoop (Google News listing):
- U.S. law enforcement sources believe that at least two of the alleged plotters entered the United States illegally via the Texas-Mexico border.
But we have National Guard there patrolling our "border"!
Oh, I forgot, they're not allowed to "engage" invaders when confronted with any:
- February 01, 2007
PHOENIX - "Stop Stonewalling."
That's the warning from Arizona lawmakers hoping to find out what really happened earlier this month when four Tennessee National Guardsmen reportedly retreated when confronted by armed illegal immigrants along the border south of Tucson.
Now who alone has authority to give a standing order that they retreat when confronted with "undocumented" "family-valuing" "immigrants" who are invading our country? That order would have to override the normal training and mission of National Guardsmen sent by the president in a long-term emergency situation to "patrol" our constantly breached "border."
Was someone worried about offending the hyphen-"American" aiders and abetters of these invaders and losing their votes if we, I don't know, actually protected our own borders? Would it dry up the cheap, effectively-slave labor supply? Apparently someone forgot that our federal constitution and long-standing laws outright prohibit this kind of activity by any state or person:
- The Migration or Importation of such Persons as any of the States now existing shall think proper to admit, shall not be prohibited by the Congress prior to the Year one thousand eight hundred and eight, but a Tax or duty may be imposed on such Importation, not exceeding ten dollars for each Person.
The rest is under Title 18, U.S. Code, Part I, Chapter 77:
"Peonage, Slavery, and Trafficking in Persons." This political correctness, voter pandering, and careless greed is going to get many of us butchered on our own soil if you, Mr. President, as the only one with the power we the people (remember us?) vest in you to — I believe you were saying something about it last year... oh, yes, here it is,
- There is still an enemy that wants to do us harm. And the most important job of the President of the United States is to protect the American people from that harm. That's — and I think about it all the time.
— protect us, don't tell the special narrow-interest groups to go roll it all up in tiny little balls and stuff it back up their self-interested agendas so you can get busy getting back to completing the job we hired you to do
at our borders.
Authorizing or appointing licensed bounty hunters to hunt down and haul in these invaders would be a better start than playing anymore tag down there with them.
Labels: undocumented lawbreakers, World War IV

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