So what do Denialrats propose? Fight the terrorist butchers where they are?o, of course not. It's let al-Qaeda cowardists enjoy our leaving Iraq to them.
Expert: Iraq new epicenter for al-Qaida
Staff and agencies
15 May, 2007
By PAISLEY DODDS, Associated Press Writer
LONDON - Iraq has become the new epicenter for al-Qaida cells waging holy war against the West, one of the world's foremost experts on terror said Tuesday.
Al-Qeada in Iraq? It's their epicenter, no less?
What was it you were saying not too long ago we should do about this, Madam Screecher?
Pelosi replies. "If the president wants to say the war in Iraq is part of the war on terror, he's not right."
"Do you not think that the war in Iraq now, today, is the war on terror?" [CBS's Lesley] Stahl asks.
"No. The war on terror is the war in Afghanistan," Pelosi says.
"But you don't think that the terrorists have moved into Iraq now?" Stahl continues.
"They have," Pelosi agrees. "The jihadists in Iraq. But that doesn't mean we stay there. They'll stay there as long as we're there."
So if our Troops leave Iraq, al-Qaeda will follow suit? When and how did you acquire such a uniquely prescient insight regarding the terrorist-deployment strategies of al-Qaeda (aka Jihadi Inc.)? Woman's intuition? Wishful "thinking"? DUily MoveOn.kos?
"The epicenter has shifted from Afghanistan to Iraq," he told a (Lloyd's of London insurance market security) conference of business leaders on how to prepare for terror threats.
An al-DNC spokesperson said top Dhimmiqratic Party leaders' reception to this sort of news has been, is, and always will be as follows: "Lala lala lalala We can't hear you. Lalala lalalala. No, don't show Us a printout of it either. Lalala la lala Our eyes are closed. Lalalalala...."
Abu Ayyub al-Masri, who replaced Abu Musab al-Zarqawi in the al-Qaida chain of command, has been building a support base in Europe, he said. Al-Masri, an Egyptian militant, was endorsed by Osama bin Laden after Zarqawi was killed last June by a U.S. airstrike.
That support base in Europe wouldn't include "minority youths" who rioted all across France after her citizens elected a self-professed Friend of America instead of a self-professed appeaser of terrorists, would it?
(Rohan Gunaratna, the head of the International Center for Political Violence and Terrorism Research at Nanyang Technological University in Singapore) said most al-Qaida cells, including north African cells, had people in Iraq.
Maybe it's where they all go on vacation or something. Like a "terrorist Disneyland."
Actually, it sounds like the international terrorist network we're at war with, the same one responsible for killing thousands of our fellow citizens and guests on our own soil while leaving a big gaping hole in the side of our Pentagon and in the New York City skyline, is centered in Iraq.
Just don't bother the Pelosereid al-Qongress with this epic news. They'll do nothing but say "it's Bush's fault!"
They present a real risk because they see the West as a threat to their way of life, he said.
As long as we stay in Iraq, their epicenter, our Troops will make it much more than a threat for every one of these al-Qaeda terrorists. It will spell their way of "life's" complete extinction.
Only to an election-epicentered al'Qaedacratic Party leader would such be considered a Bad Thing.
Labels: al-Qaeda in Iraq, al-Qaedaqratic Party, World War IV

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