With apologies to Jeff Foxworthy, not to mention all real victims.f the ACLU's telephone number is the first one on your speed dial, you might be a victim.
If your name has ever been heard foaming past the lips of Je$$e Jack$on, al-$harpton, or anyone at CAIR, you might be a victim.
If you're not rich, white, tall, skinny, sober, big-bosomed, a straight-A student, out of jail, or a man, you might be a victim.
If your child has ever recited the Pledge of Allegiance, you might be a victim.
If Hanoi John F'in' al-Qerry says you're among those who R Stuk Inn Irak, you might be a victim.
If you ever voted for Pat Buchanan but there's a faded Ralph Nader bumper sticker on either side of your Florida license plate, you might be a victim.
If someone's been monitoring every telephone conversation between you and Osama bin Laden, you might be a victim.
If you have a job interview in El Paso but the only way you can get there is to swim across a river clutching a forged Social Security card, you might be a victim.
If any man has opened a door for you, you might be a victim.
If you've ever listened to an al-Demoqrat and actually believed what he, she, or other said, you may very well be a victim.
Labels: humor, Victimhood Inc.

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