Hey, they guaranteed we'd get G'Liberal Warming®.o where's mine? I've been freezing my rethuglican tax-cutting-for-the-rich racist blood-for-oily homophobic making-old-people-eat-dog-food warmongering multi-gun-cultural nazi bible-thumping sexist big-carbon-footprinting wingnuts off here the past couple of weeks. Yet the United Nations Intergummental Panel on Scary Things Happening If We Don't Impose A Global Tax Plus Universal Gun Ban Yesterday promised me "the debate's over" and I should've gotten my g'liberal warming by the time I set my clocks forward.
Well I've been waiting, and waiting, and freezing, and waiting, and freezing some more ever since.
I believe the UN gipped me.
It's time for a movement! Which, coincidentally, I'm starting right here.
Send all your springtime heating bills to: |
UN G'Liberal Warming Refund Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change Secretariat c/o World Meteorological Organization 7bis, Avenue de la Paix C.P. 2300 CH-1211 Geneva 2, Switzerland
Labels: g'liberal warming, Useless Nitwits

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