Friday, February 16, 2007 |
FOObar is their "patriotism."tep one in the Demopsychotic Party's plan to defund our nation's war efforts stab our troops in the back while they're in harm's way and unnecessarily get more of them killed by terrorists who now have a real hope of defeating us and thus ever more reason to continue recruiting and training more killers.
The first hundred days of the 1st al-Qongress only halfway over, and already one of its houses has just handed our mass-murdering enemy something not even a "strong message" from Osama bin Laden himself has been able to give him: A renewed will to fight.
Inducted this day into al-Qaeda's Hall of Useful Infidels:
al-Abercrombie al-Ackerman al-Allen al-Altmire al-Andrews al-Arcuri al-Baca al-Baldwin al-Barrow al-Bean al-Becerra al-Berkley al-Berman al-Berry al-Bishop (GA) al-Bishop (NY) al-Blumenauer al-Boren al-Boswell al-Boucher al-Boyd (FL) al-Boyda (KS) al-Brady (PA) al-Braley (IA) al-Brown, Corrine al-Butterfield al-Capps al-Capuano al-Cardoza al-Carnahan al-Carney al-Carson al Castle al-Castor al-Chandler al-Clarke al-Clay al-Cleaver al-Clyburn al Coble al-Cohen al-Conyers al-Cooper al-Costa al-Costello al-Courtney al-Cramer al-Crowley al-Cuellar al-Cummings al-Davis (AL) al-Davis (CA) al-Davis (IL) al-Davis, Lincoln al Davis, Tom al-DeFazio al-DeGette al-Delahunt al-DeLauro al-Dicks al-Dingell al-Doggett al-Donnelly al-Doyle al Duncan al-Edwards al-Ellison al-Ellsworth al-Emanuel al-Engel al English (PA) al-Eshoo al-Etheridge al-Farr al-Fattah al-Filner al-Frank (MA) al-Giffords al Gilchrest al-Gillibrand al-Gonzalez al-Gordon | al-Green, Al al-Green, Gene al-Grijalva al-Gutierrez al-Hall (NY) al-Hare al-Harman al-Hastings (FL) al-Herseth al-Higgins al-Hill al-Hinchey al-Hinojosa al-Hirono al-Hodes al-Holden al-Holt al-Honda al-Hooley al-Hoyer al Inglis (SC) al-Inslee al-Israel al-Jackson (IL) al-Jackson-Lee (TX) al-Jefferson al-Johnson (GA) al Johnson (IL) al-Johnson, E. B. al Jones (NC) al-Jones (OH) al-Kagen al-Kanjorski al-Kaptur al Keller al-Kennedy al-Kildee al-Kilpatrick al-Kind al Kirk al-Klein (FL) al-Kucinich al-Lampson al-Langevin al-Lantos al-Larsen (WA) al-Larson (CT) al LaTourette al-Lee al-Levin al-Lewis (GA) al-Lipinski al-Loebsack al-Lofgren, Zoe al-Lowey al-Lynch al-Mahoney (FL) al-Maloney (NY) al-Markey al-Matheson al-Matsui al-McCarthy (NY) al-McCollum (MN) al-McDermott al-McGovern al-McIntyre al-McNerney al-McNulty al-Meehan al-Meek (FL) al-Meeks (NY) al-Melancon al-Michaud al-Millender-McDonald al-Miller (NC) al-Miller, George al-Mitchell al-Mollohan al-Moore (KS) al-Moore (WI) al-Moran (VA) al-Murphy (CT) | al-Murphy, Patrick al-Murtha al-Napolitano al-Neal (MA) al-Oberstar al-Obey al-Olver al-Ortiz al-Pallone al-Pascrell al-Pastor al Paul al-Payne al-Pelosi al-Perlmutter al-Peterson (MN) al Petri al-Pomeroy al-Price (NC) al-Rahall al Ramstad al-Rangel al-Reyes al-Rodriguez al-Ross al-Rothman al-Roybal-Allard al-Ruppersberger al-Rush al-Ryan (OH) al-Salazar al-Sánchez, Linda T. al-Sanchez, Loretta al-Sarbanes al-Schakowsky al-Schiff al-Schwartz al-Scott (GA) al-Scott (VA) al-Serrano al-Sestak al-Shea-Porter al-Sherman al-Shuler al-Sires al-Skelton al-Slaughter al-Smith (WA) al-Snyder al-Solis al-Space al-Spratt al-Stark al-Stupak al-Sutton al-Tanner al-Tauscher al-Thompson (CA) al-Thompson (MS) al-Tierney al-Towns al-Udall (CO) al-Udall (NM) al Upton al-Van Hollen al-Velázquez al-Visclosky al Walsh (NY) al-Walz (MN) al-Wasserman Schultz al-Waters al-Watson al-Watt al-Waxman al-Weiner al-Welch (VT) al-Wexler al-Wilson (OH) al-Woolsey al-Wu al-Wynn al-Yarmuth |
Their names are written in the red of our troops' blood soon to be on all their hands.

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