Wednesday, October 11, 2006 |
Long time passing....“N
o Nation in all the world that is free to make a choice is going to set itself up under a Fascist form of government, or a Nazi form of government, or a Japanese war-lord form of government. For such forms are the offspring of seizure of power followed by the abridgment of freedom. Therefore — and this is plain logic — the United Nations can properly say of these forms of government — Nazism, Fascism, Japanism — if I might coin a new word — the United Nations can properly say to that form of government two simple words, 'Never again.'
"For the right of self-determination included in the Atlantic Charter does not carry with it the right of any Government anywhere in the world to commit wholesale murder, or the right to make slaves of its own people, or of any other peoples in the world.
"And the world can rest assured that this total war, this sacrifice of lives all over the globe, is not being carried on for the purpose, or even with the remotest idea of keeping Quislings or Lavals in power anywhere on this earth."
President Franklin D. RooseveltAddress to the White House Correspondents' Association.
February 12, 1943

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