Tuesday, October 03, 2006 |
Finally, a secret domestic monitoring program Demotraitorats are all in favor of!D
emoonbats and Washington moonpies are demanding we eavesdrop on every communication of every Senator and Representative in Congress. I agree.
Just think of the treasure-trove of traitorous intercourse we'd uncover. One can easily imagine the gobs of it Dhimmiqrats have been spurting:
[ House Speaker office's intercept of Instant Messages between "SanFragNag" (N. Peloopsi) and "ImTheGod" (G. Sorewoes) - - 26 Oct 2005 19:27:04 GMT]
SanFragNag: Oh, baby. You were hot the other night.
ImTheGod: yes, i no
SanFragNag: No, really. That speech about getting Bush(itler) :-p haha got my motor running, if you know what I mean ;)
ImTheGod: im glad
ImTheGod: we need 2 get fired up
SanFragNag: I hate him so much I wouldn't even mind it if "terrorists" hijacked AF1 and rammed it into the WH while Cheney was in there!
ImTheGod: bushboy would 1st have 2 be on AF1 you no
SanFragNag: Oh, that goes without saying. It'd take them both out at the same time so that when I'm elected SPEAKER OF THE HOUSE I'll instantly become ACTING PREZ!
ImTheGod: thats scary
SanFragNag: What do you mean "scary"? That bushyco and his man halliboy will both get it together, or that I'd be acting prez?
ImTheGod: uh nevermind
[ Senate Majority Leader office's intercept of Instant Messages between "ImaScream" (H. Deaniac) and "FOBotox" (J. al-Qerry) - - 11 Sep 2006 13:02:26 GMT]
ImaScream: Hey whaddya wearin?
FOBotox: Why, my Bush-is-hitler Tshirt with the "by the way I served in vietnam" logo on the back, of course
ImaScream: Shorts too?
FOBotox: How cum u always ask me that?
ImaScream: Just wonderin
ImaScream: Hey didya hear about the newest attack ad were planning?
FOBotox: I did serve in vietnam, you know.
ImaScream: Yeah i think i heard that somewhere b4 :-))
FOBotox: Just so u know. Sum ppl seem to forget that
FOBotox: msotly those biggest bunches of liars & crook uv ever seen! i hate those guys
ImaScream: can we get back to the ad now?
FOBotox: I guess.
ImaScream: man its good! we got the whole blood4oil bit in there 2
FOBotox: Is that the 1 with bushie wearing a burglar's mask and sucking the iraq oil straight out the ground through a hose with his mouth?
ImaScream: no we had to can that 1
FOBotox: Oh
FOBotox: 2 bad
ImaScream: no were going with a better 1
ImaScream: its the 1 with the blood literally dripping from his bloodsoaked hands and dropping into an oil drum!
FOBotox: Awesum!!11!
So get cracking on those wiretaps, Speaker Hastert. Americans' inquiring minds want to know everything these treasonous louts have been moaning on and on about in their private messages to each other.
After all, the moonbats are demanding it too.

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