Thursday, September 28, 2006 |
DNC/Muckstream Media: We stab more Americans in the back before 6 a.m. than most terrorists wish they could all day.T
errorist 1: We're beaten. Let's give up.
Terrorist 2: O.K. But how about we watch CNN and read the paper one last time before we do?
Terrorist 1: Ahh-ite.
SeespiNspiN: In a top-secret administration memo leaked to and published today by the New York Slimes, the CIA says the United States is losing and the terrorists are winning! Yeah!
Terrorists 1 & 2: Yeah! Allahu Akbar!
Terrorist 2: Look, Abu Headchopper. Here's the article.
Terrorist 1: Wow! We are winning! Praise be to Allah for creating the New York Slimes.
Terrorist 2: What you said. Now let's go show this to those guys we tried to recruit yesterday.
Terrorist 1: The ones who refused to join us because they felt we were losing?
Terrorist 2: Them's the ones. This'll show 'em how wrong they are!
Terrorist 1: First let me pray.
Terrorist 2: Hey! That's not in the direction of Mecca.
Terrorist 1: No. But I'd thought just this one day it'd be right to pray towards New York City.
Terrorist 2: Good point. I'll join you.
Terrorist 1: You — and about a hundred other guys who wouldn't yesterday!
Terrorist 2: Ain't that the truth.
Terrorist 1: It is now!
Terrorist 2: (Giggles.) Why this is such great news that I'd even say it's fit to print.
Terrorist 1: Bwhahahahah....

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