Islamic fascists have given us fair warning: "You all will die or we will. Them's our non-negotiable terms."M
uslim terrorists aren't moved by our showing deep respect for their religion or culture. At least not moved the way a liberal hopes. The only thing they're interested in is our submission.
Liberals are only too happy to let them have it — our submission, that is. If we give the murderous islamicutthroat what he demands — nay, give him our undivided love and attention — he'll be less mean and vengeful, they feel, and he may even start to like us enough to leave us alone and not attack us anymore. Brilliant! Had we just been minding our own business on September 10, 2001, and not been in the middle of invading or occupying any islamic totalitarian country, the multistate massacre the following day at the hands of undocumented-immigrant muslims sent by their puppetmaster mullahs in Iran wouldn't have ever happened. No? Oh, that's right. We had and hadn't and the islamic butchers slaughtered in cold blood thousands of our country's citizens and guests anyway, all while screaming Religion of Peace! Religion of Peace! — what? All right, correction: They all screamed Allah is Great! Allah is Great!
Shouldn't we at least examine their demands first before judging too harshly these perpetrators of the largest annihilation of civilians ever on American soil in an unprovoked sneak attack? Okay. Although only the nazis at their peak were the last ones capable of exterminating that many innocent people in a single morning, perhaps if the civilians they were gassing and shoving into ovens had just taken the time to examine Hitler's demands, all of them could've avoided that chillingly gruesome fate. No doubt he gladly would've spared them all had they only given him what he wanted, respected his point of view, and known that tolerance of his group, compassionate understanding of its ways, customs, and beliefs, and the continual goal of community harmony are "essential for furthering the progress and growth of our communities." No? That's right. Hitler was demanding that they all be dead.
"But but but Religion of Peacers aren't Nazis like them or you, you Nazi." Let's ask the original head peacer of the islamic Repugnance of Iran to settle this:
- Ayatollah Khomeini, quoted in an 11th-grade Iranian schoolbook, is revealing. "I am decisively announcing to the whole world that if the world-devourers [i.e., the infidel powers] wish to stand against our religion, we will stand against their whole world and will not cease until the annihilation of all them. Either we all become free, or we will go to the greater freedom which is martyrdom. Either we shake one another's hands in joy at the victory of Islam in the world, or all of us will turn to eternal life and martyrdom. In both cases, victory and success are ours."
You can't get a clearer warning and statement of intentions than that. Even over a quarter century after he first made these demands, Iran's current leadership is still repeating them:
- The president of Iran again lashed out at Israel on Friday and said it was "heading toward annihilation," just days after Tehran raised fears about its nuclear activities by saying it successfully enriched uranium for the first time.
President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad called Israel a "permanent threat" to the Middle East that will "soon" be liberated. He also appeared to again question whether the Holocaust really happened.
"Like it or not, the Zionist regime is heading toward annihilation," Ahmadinejad said at the opening of a conference in support of the Palestinians. "The Zionist regime is a rotten, dried tree that will be eliminated by one storm."
Ahmadinejad provoked a world outcry in October when he said Israel should be "wiped off the map."
Sorry. I didn't realize he was only talking about Israel. Every liberal knows she doesn't ever count. Let's see what
nice things he's demanding of us, then (
New Editor):
- "Today, everyone realizes that the attack on Lebanon was planned in advance, and was a Zionist-American operation — a first step towards taking control over the Middle East and over the [entire] Muslim world.
"Bush and his American partners, who are to blame for the tragic events in Lebanon, will be considered just as responsible and accountable [for these events] as the evil and depraved leaders of the Zionist regime... The silence of the U.N. and most of the Western countries, and the support [provided by] some [Western] governments — such as the despicable and notorious British government — turns them into accomplices to the crime, to varying degrees. When humanity places them on trial, today and tomorrow, in demand for an explanation... and when they are required to account [for their conduct] before God, they [too] will be punished.
"Today more than ever, the Muslim peoples are disgusted and furious with the Americans. The Muslim governments, including those governments whose political statements stem from restrictions [that are placed upon them], are disgusted by the insolent and arrogant oppression and are opposed to it. The American regime can expect a resounding slap and a devastating fist-blow from the Muslim nation for its support of the Zionist crimes and criminals, after it has so brazenly violated the rights of the Muslim peoples."
So if we'd only put an end to our "Zionist-American operation (to take) control over the Middle East and over the entire Muslim world," our "insolent and arrogant oppression," and our "support of the Zionist crimes and criminals," and get rid of our BushCo® regime who's "to blame for (these) tragic events," the muslimad
peoples peacers absolutist patriarchs won't be "disgusted and furious" at us anymore. See? All he's demanding is our self-imposed isolation from the rest of the whole world and trying President Bush as a criminal. Which also happens to be the very exact thing liberals are demanding.
Dictators and liberals (BIRM) all on the same page. Who'd've thought?
The latter reactionaries wouldn't be making that demand had the former one never conceived it. If Ahmadmanidgit came out and said "Way to go, Bush. Help Israel wipe out them evil hezbadguys. USA! USA! USA!" we wouldn't hear liberals uttering such complains and blame, or hatching out the same Bush/Blair conspiracy theory. So figuratively speaking, this demand by Iran and liberals is the chicken and the egg, respectively. Literally, it's the exact opposite.
Chickendoves won't be protesting outside or chaining themselves to the doors of Mahmoudung's presidential palace, demanding that he cease shipping missiles and millions to his fascist puppets in Lebanon or supporting other islamoterrorist groups like al-Qaeda. That's because MahmoudungCo. would arrest them all or, if the door's blocked, not bother using a hacksaw to safely remove those chains but simply hacked off their limbs before dragging their bleeding remains over to the nearest wall or construction crane and summarily shooting or hanging them. No matter how evil or depraved liberals say President Bush is, they know they don't have to ever fear he'll do that. It's definitely safer and easier to not oppose the one who would.
Our nation and her "traditional allies" tried cowering in fear and ignorance when faced with clear evil seventy years ago (
's Maha Rushie and Tammy Bruce). All it got us were two World Wars. We tried being popular with everyone when faced with the same kind of evil ten years ago. The only thing that got us was another one.
I'd rather our children and grandchildren spend the next seventy years hearing liberals demand apologies for our having permanently taken out the current evil we're facing, than spend even one moment of those years waiting around for the inevitable, much larger annihilations of civilians on American soil and elsewhere in one islamonazi sneak attack after another. What their futures demand is our choice: Either we continue listening to Diddlerats and other liberals bleat on and on about how we should be doing nothing that might jeopardize our chances of hopefully winning their international popularity contest someday. Or we do all it takes to really win this World War now.

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