A Middle Eastern nation now has a permanent seat in the United Nations Security Council.M
ake that two. The way government officials and
UPI editors (
Imperial Expert on ClueBoarding™) in United Kaliphate of Granulate Britain and Neuterin' Ireland are bending over backwards and forwards to accommodate the swelling penetration of radical Islamicist sensibilities into their body politic, it's surprising Her Highness the Queen hasn't donned a deep-purple
Burqa in public yet.
Granted, pilgrims tourists now can "enjoy a peaceful and holy vacation in the heart of dar ul Islam," and have the option of including in their pilgrimage itinerary a quick jaunt over into The Dhimmilands to visit any number of quixotic allahwheels windmills there. Perhaps even a giant theme park — Mohammedworld? — is in the works. Do these, however, compensate such increasingly WINO (Western in name only) nations for an ever loosening bond with their traditional ally savior which ineluctably results from cowardly refusing to offend or otherwise recognize in anything but the most servile terms that true enemy within?
Good thing we've been reassured that they do — by a UPI editor emeritus no less, the only known form of braindead life outside sand-hypoxiated ostriches capable of putting a happy But-face on the Qur'animalist Qulture's more deadly repressive norms:
The honor killings of young Turkish women in Germany are appalling, but the actions of the women also demonstrate that many Muslim women are no longer content to abide by their parents' wishes.
"You go (get yourself murdered), girl! That'll show 'em." See? Now
there's some real hope!
Speaking of such hope, the al-fwench have sworn on their Grannie Qofi's grave that they're going to send "a bunch" of troops to the Hezbollic Republic of Lebanon. Not to fight or anything like that, mind you. This would ruffle their multiqultists' feathers. No, the job of those troops — all 400 of them — is to teach their special semaphore system to the Lebanese army: one white flag means "we surrender," two "we unconditionally surrender," three "we unconditionally surrender and will wholeheartedly collaborate," etc. Unhinged Notions secretary-general Qofi (who's feeling better, by the way) feels the members of that army will ace this part of the al-Qerry/Botox® Global Test™.
Sadly for Dempinqoqrats, no Islamicist Veto in the UN security council is going to preempt the United States from saving these EUdopeons' bacon once again, before they succumb to their multilateral multisuicide-cultism follies.
NP: "What are UPI editors doing, End of the World Eve?"

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