on Tehran, will you support him?S
imple question. If you answer yes, you must believe this act of war within a World War that has already lasted at least five years without our clear and total victory over a handful of madmen and their mass-murderous suicide squads — from that
maniacal agressor Ahmadinejad's
Special Unit of Martyr Seekers to his clients
al-Qaeda and Hezbollah, his
close ally and
fellow aggressor Kim Jong Il, and his
stooge and other
fellow aggressor Assad — would permanently break the enemy's will to fight anyone and thus finally end this war.
If no, you must believe more diplomacy or negotiations "based on confidence-building, reciprocity, and compromise" would hopefully, somehow, someday contain Iran's aggressions until hopefully, somehow, someday the Islamic Republic thereof drops "Islamic" from its formal name — preferably before it develops nuclear weapons and decides to share them with any of its clients, allies, and stooges; or believe nothing can stop Iran from developing nuclear weapons but it is hopefully, somehow possible that you and your family, friends, and country will be able to still live normally, untouched by such fact; or believe World Warming is somehow a much greater threat to your civilization's existence than any world war; or believe vaporizing Tehran, whether or not you believe that would totally defeat the jihadists forever and save millions from the scourge of an otherwise decades-long and expanding World War, is just too horrible to even contemplate.
The answer that prevails among any of the world's free peoples will unlikely affect the decisions President Bush believes he must make, based on information few of us have right now, to save them, their nations, and their posterity from catastrophe, perpetrated by an evil that would neither hesitate nor be unwilling to use any weapon in its arsenal powerful enough to wipe whole swaths of their populations "off the map," utterly crush their spirit, destroy their will completely, bring about their total defeat, and reduce all their survivors to slavery or unending servitude within its consequently enlarged dominion.
As Sir Banagor levelly explains, our paralysis and inaction give this evil the luxury of taking all the time it believes necessary to fully plan, prepare, then perpetrate such absolute catastrophe. A catastrophe we'll find only more and more difficult to avert.
If yours had been "maybe" or "don't know," that sober explanation may help you reach a definite answer. One you can also give your children or grandchildren when they ask you it in the past tense, many years from now.
His post has only reinforced mine:
Yes, I will, in the strongest possible terms, support President Bush if he drops the bomb on Tehran.

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