Wednesday, August 09, 2006 |
Not surpising that jaune
and épine
are synonymous only in its language.G
o ahead and show what a spineless
belette you and your entire country are, Your Weasellency Philistine Douche-Blasé. We need to get your vote against doing anything even remotely doable and effective indelibly on record. Especially since it's very same thing you were actually
in favor of only days before you came out firmly
against it. Your flip-flops rival Hanoi Jean fwenchface al-Qerry's.
Go ahead and unilaterally draft your own resolution Wannsee Agreement, seeing how you feel "that the most important thing (is) to obtain the agreement of the Lebanese government and the Arab world for the proposal." Unless a paragraph is included calling upon what they generally believe is the only solution finale to the conflict, don't expect them to be too keen on it. It's a foregone conclusion that the Israeli people — at least those fond of breathing — won't be: they've been there, done that, got the camp T-shirt.
You know Russia has too much at stake itself to veto a resolution co-drafted and supported by fwance and the U.S. and warmly hailed by the BBC. That four-way support would attract China's as well, thus excluding the possibility of a veto. All that remains then before coming up with some fwance-led multinational force resolution is to count the yeas of Greece, Japan, Slovakia, Denmark, and one other (or two if China abstains).
That is, after you implant in your back a functioning spine.
Given the time it would take to schedule and successfully perform such an extremely complicated, touch-and-go surgery, the Israelis and I won't be holding our breaths. The former may even have enough time to victoriously end the war started by Iran and its hezpuppets. Meanwhile you can go about fwenching up other Security Council matters until it votes on attaching the UN's seal of approval to the resulting surrender agreement.
So go ahead and do what you normally do: Nothing. I'll add my signature to the more flowery-languaged Imperial Thank You Card.

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