Hold their cities hostage. That'll really get their attention.R
oadmap to Peace's bug-filled 1.3 version isn't getting the job done. It's badly in need of an upgrade. So here's the proposed 2.0:

Send a diversionary force up the short road to Damascus to draw out that city's defensive units. Swing the main force eastward around those positions in an arc that sweeps right past
Damascus International Airport — breaking off a strike force to capture it — and ends at the capital's back door. Cover its right flank and rear with a protective force that cuts off enemy reinforcements from the south. (There won't be any Iranian ones coming from the east because they'd have to go through Iraq first; and our and that country's armed forces would have some very harsh things to say about that.)
Hunker down in Damascus and force them to shell and attack their own capital. Locate your bases and outposts near mosques and other important buildings and surround each one with civilians so enemy forces will be the ones killing noncombatants and destroying infrastructure every time they try to dislodge you. Make it the West Berlin of that totalitarian country.
While you're there, seize the terrorist headquarters of Hamas, the Palestinian Islamic Jihad, and the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine-General Command, commandeer warehouses where Hizb'allah's supplies are stored, and confiscate all their documents. Find in those papers the location of hidden missile caches in southern Lebanon and the names and plans of the terrorist leadership. Then mosey over to Syria's defense ministry and collect information on that dictatorship's sarin and other chemical warheads for Scud B, Scud C and Scud D missiles.
Force Syria to negotiate the Mother of All Land-for-Peace Deals. Demand full diplomatic relations between your two nations and Syria's aggressive, verifiable, total, and permanent disarmament of all its terrorist clients. With that underway, leave what's left of Damascus, telling Syria if it violates any of these conditions, "We'll be back."

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