Move along. Move along, Canakistan.I
f only we held hands and sang happy songs together and embraced all other cultures and showed them how we condemn and hate our own just as much as they do, they'll like us and won't want to hurt us.
Canadhimma, the Great Multicultural North. Welcome to reality, where the fruits of cowering blindness and weakness always taste bitter.
But let's not rush to judge anyone, especially those poor, oppressed youths of yours who only wanted to lash out at your society only because they feel it discriminates against them and is otherwise out and about to alienate and get them because of their color and religion. How racist, bigoted, and intolerant you are. Understandable that they're so angry.
So what must you do to save your back bacon? More of the same, of course. First you must show them that you really condemn and hate everything about yourselves; then you must completely give them everything they want and comply with all their demands. That way they won't feel so threatened by your worthlessly evil society. Then they won't ever want to hurt you that much ever again.
Then again, if you really do condemn and hate any of these things about yourselves, wouldn't you want them to lash out at it? Better yet, why don't you join them in that noble, oh so progressive endeavor? You'd even have their full blessing.
What are a few thousand souls sacrificed on the vaunted altar of enlightened multiculturalism? The rest you can sell into dhimmiservitude. That would be a very small price to pay to keep your fearful bodies alive, eh?

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