You verifiably deport 1,000,000 illegals and keep 50,000 National Guardsmen on the border until you do. Once that's done, we'll consent to full enactment of your guest worker program for the remaining 11,000,000 illegals.I
doubt you (or they) will get a more generous offer, sir, even with all the political thumbscrew turning you might be thinking of subjecting our House members to in the upcoming months. Show us you're actually serious about protecting and defending us along our own borders. That will go a long way towards dispelling our now unshakable belief that what you and your liberal friends in the Senate have so far proposed is hardly more than a Leno-league bad joke.
It's impractical to deport that many, you say? If you're looking to get it done before mid-October — which works out to around 8,300 per day — then, yes, it probably would be. Sorry about not giving you any chance to pander to Hispanic voters, and at the same time sacrifice all your principles here, before the midterm elections. Such are the vagaries of our political process: Just powers derived from the consent of the governed, and all that.
You've proven you're able to readily round up over a thousand illegals in a matter of days, just by your running a quick search for phony Social Security numbers. By doubling such efforts, the daily rate could easily exceed 2,000. (Note: Just make sure you deport them all this time instead of promptly releasing a large majority back out on our streets.) So completing the task in a reasonable amount of time is doable. Just think, by November of next year, soon after the bus carrying the last of those million illegals departs our fair land, you'll be signing the Comprehensive Guest Worker Act of 2007.
Sure, there'll be much grousing and gnashing of teeth from the stabbing-America-in-the-back community. But a grateful citizenry will rise up and vastly overwhelm them this November as we march to the polls in droves in order to reward you, our heroic faithful servant, with increased numbers of true Republicans in both houses of Congress. It will be our way of saying, "Thank you, Mr. President. You actually do listen to us."

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