Someone forgot to give the Bali Massacre Mastermind — aka "Osama Bin Laden" of South East Asia — the DNCrimes'
talkingpoints "Reason" for Treason memo.“I
’m going to say this again. I did not have a complementary subscription with that paper, Miss DNC Transcript Service.”
Hambali was either a very stupid or a very forgetful terrorist. Didn't he remember he was supposed to already know, according to the DNC Slimes, that the Evil "Disastrous Tenure" Bush Administration was monitoring his terrorist passbook account? Didn't he realize that meant he was supposed to change, again according to the Democrat Slimes, all his bloodmoney-transfer activities? Stupid terrorist.
But we shouldn't be angry at the DeaNCo Slimes. They merely printed that Treasonous Tipoff to Terrorists, and are now hiding the courageous Persecuted Leakers™ in its Het Achterhuis from those Bushitler Gestapo meanies who want to send them all to Gitmo Concentration Camps. Besides, everyone already knows the DhimmY Slimes won't print any story on its front page unless it's already known that everyone already knows everything there is to already know about it. It was already in some UN Security Council report anyway.
Another excuse we can make for the Treason Times' blatant espionage is they got confused. Never ones to MoveOn, they were just re-re-re-researching stories hit pieces concerning the Swift Vets & POWs for Truth and somehow the SWIFT-Monitoring Leak index cards got mixed in with all that paperwork. Having two swift stories to bear false witness against W exact their angry vengeance on an America That Dared Elect That Evil Dubya, was simply too much to for them to bear. Doubly side blinded by such hatred, they'd print across the globe something that would really help the terrorists really punish Stupid America.
So you see, the NY Democrimes can't be blamed for aiding and abetting the leakers and their betrayal of all Americans. Its selling out our nation's security to the terrorists is something we should expect when we make the egregious mistake of crossing the editors at the Slimes.

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