Stepping into the breach until us voters hire public servants who will not fail us or our country.Yankee Doodle watched the border For new Dhimmi voters Wading through the Rio Grande Or drowning in its waters.
Yankee Doodle, keep it up, Yankee Doodle Dandy, Mind no MSM hit piece, But with speed dials be handy.
They called him a Vigilante And not A-CLUe soon ran there But found out every law breaker Was not that Minuteman there.
Yankee Doodle, keep it up &tc.
So John McCain grew all incensed Irate and even testy Then wrote up a horrendous bill For giving them Amnesty.
Yankee Doodle, keep it up &tc.
The lawyers' mouths were watering Over the job prospects they found there | | While out-of-nationers pay in-state fees For a DREAM that's one big nightmare.
Yankee Doodle, keep it up &tc.
With electric bills and forged receipts Clutched in their hands so tightly As "proof" they've lived for five years here They showed up day and nightly.
Yankee Doodle, keep it up &tc.
When an agent of our Border Patrol Dared questioned such credentials She found herself charged with heavy fines And a defendant in court trials.
Yankee Doodle, keep it up &tc.
New Mexico just dropped the "New" And Arizona began Naming herself like California did: Now "East" borders "West Aztlan."
Yankee Doodle, keep it up &tc. |
Palominas, Tombstone. Places where, after the established government had long turned a deaf ear to our legitimate grievances, we the people didn't wait around for others to save our liberties or grant us the
right to live in a free and independent nation, secure from threat and abuse. We stepped up to save them and win it for ourselves.
Minutemen we called the very first to do so, at the birth of our republic. Those more than a few courageous lovers of their country who thought of more than just themselves and their physical comforts, and were committed to answering at a moment's notice the call to defend their homes and country against whatever might threaten their sanctity. The foes of our freedom and independence, whose injurious plans and designs these patriots pledged to thwart and upset, called them trouble makers, rabble rousers, and worse. No doubt "vigilante" also escaped the surly lips of more than one tyrannical colonial governor.
That Spirit of '76, which holds independence more dear than reaching amicable accommodations with any of its enemies, both foreign and domestic, is alive and well 230 years later. From the Gulf of Mexico to the Pacific Ocean it's now fending off a direct attack on our union of laws, our establishments of justice, our domestic tranquillity, our national security, our general welfare, and those sacred blessings of liberty secured to every law-abiding guest and citizen of our country. No Mexigoth misleader, no RINOsaur, no Open Borders Racketeer has any hope of breaking it. In the words of one who possesses this spirit, and who puts his money where his mouth is:
- Our government has thus far failed in its fundamental duty to secure our borders — which has caused a national security crisis of the first order. When a self-governing people are faced with such dereliction of duty, we must step up to the plate ourselves and get the job done.
More than anything else we're a nation of freedom-loving individuals who are ever willing and capable of getting the job done — ourselves.

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