If you know a business that's hiring illegal immigrants invaders and occupiers, give Immigration and Customs Enforcement a call. You could be eligible for a $1000 reward and you don't have to give your name.G
uest. A person who sneaks or breaks into your home, helps himself to whatever's in it, refuses to leave after you ask him to, demands that you give him room and board, a job, health services, etc., and screams bloody murder about how you're violating his "rights" when you call the police asking them to protect you, your family and your property.
That's the liberalized definition, which supporters of unguarded borders and unlawful hirings are trying to shove down all our throats. Not only that, if this "guest" washes your dishes or folds your sheets after he steals your food and sleeps in your bed, you're supposed to say, "My, you certainly contribute to our household. Thank you."
Thanks to this new concept, the word is now synonymous with trespasser, thief, intruder, and home invader. Add to the list unvaccinated disease carrier as well as possible terrorist, and you have a complete description of another concept. Threat. As in to your health, peace, and security.
Unfortunately, until we actually punish the employers who are breaking our laws whenever they wittingly hire such "guests," thus creating a demand for them, no number of our brave National Guard members patrolling America's borders will be sufficient to cut off — or make too costly — the current cheap supply of these illegal invaders and occupiers.

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