Tuberculosis from unimmunized, disease-carrying illegals invaders and other fun side effects of giving free passes to undocumented interlopers.Along the Texas-Mexico border, health officials are battling tuberculosis brought in by undocumented workers [illegal infesters] from Mexico and Central America. Of the 16,500 people apprehended last year in the Port Isabel, Texas, region, 89 percent tested positive for TB bacteria. The rate of full-blown tuberculosis in the lower Rio Grande Valley, a fertile agricultural area that borders Mexico, is triple the national average, according to Dr. Abraham Miranda, deputy director of immigration health services for the U.S. Public Health Service in Port Isabel.
his point was raised not by our Senate's
Majority Leader Gutless Wonder or his new sidekick Scary Screed, but by
Laura Ingraham on her radio show today. It seems the oh so wonderful Takers Of Jobs That Americans Won't Take (For The Same Low Pay)™ are neglecting to immunize themselves from diseases we haven't seen for so long in this country that our population is vulnerable to their reintroduction by such undocumented overrunners. But, hey, seeing your children contract TB is just a small price to pay for all those potential Hispanic votes. It'd be edumacational for them too: They'd know what it was like for their great, great grandparents after their families and neighbors had been struck down by these once ancient, virulent viruses. Just think of the gain for Family Values, also, when your loved ones are brought closer together by the innumerable, upcoming personal tragedies you'll all undoubtedly experience. Yeah, that should be reason enough to simply let anyone who wants to, with or without your permission, invade your country, neighborhoods, and schools.
The least our politicians snake oil salespersons could do is tell us that votes and reduced labor costs are the real reasons they want to "pass a law that protects illegal immigrants" (sic[ko]). But this would require them to be honest.