Wednesday, February 22, 2006 |
When you kill a venomous snake in your back yard, you're ridding from your home forever a known threat to you and your family.L
iberals have no compassion. They would rather make our brave correctional facility servants' jobs much more dangerous by forcing them to be guardians of yellow, dirt crawling, poisonous snakes who
think feel nothing about unjustly taking any human being's life. When these snakes escape those woefully understaffed facilities and kill again, as they do
more often than liberals care to admit, or when they grievously wound or savagely murder any of our courageous public servants, the "Compassionate" Ones™ rush in to side with the snake: It was being mistreated, they say. It didn't get enough therapy.
Nearly a quarter century after the snake's lawful conviction for brutally murdering and violating a talented, intelligent, productive, loving and much loved girl full of life and great potential, when our "Vengeful" State has finally gotten around to strapping down the snake and putting it down, the same "C"Os are complaining it might feel pain. Now had the "V"S taken a hammer and beaten its head in until you couldn't recognize which end is its slithering tail, plus raped it until it bled, then they might have a point outside the ones crowning their empty heads. However, when the "V"S uses the most humane poison known to humankind on that poisonous reptile, allowing it to ride into hell on soft, fluffy clouds of restfulness while it wistfully dreams of plunging its fangs into and gobbling up more small, helpless creatures, then it's getting more just treatment than any such snake ever deserved.
Maybe the "V"S could load up all these snakes on a remotely controlled jet airliner and aim it straight into the side of an evacuated al-Qlinton or al-Qarter Presidential Library. Since the "C"Os have no wish to preemptively prevent anyone from causing death that way, the "V"S would at last face no opposition to carrying out the law's required sentence in those snakes' cases — other than with regard to the plane's target.
Liberals would begin to show their first signs of real compassion more for that building than for even their beloved snakes' lives.

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