Tuesday, February 14, 2006 |
"Mary Jo Kopechne took my (mom's) car without my permission — uh, I mean, I dived in and tried to save her numerous times — that is, I was in a daze and wandered around the countryside like a zombie for hours — actually, I was so distraught I swam across the entire channel then walked all the way to my hotel and asked the night watchman for the time — well, come to think of it...."P
lease make a big deal out of this, MSM. After 36½ years, don't you feel it's about time the person involved in this "accident" notified you folks in the press regarding what really happened that night? Ask him also about his expired driver's license which miraculously got a back-dated renewal right before he appeared at the inquest into Miss Kepechne's
unnecessary death. The public has a right to know.

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