Friday, February 24, 2006 |
Dhimmicrats' only concern with the United Arab Emirates' management of any of them has nothing to do with our nation's security, and everything to do with the fact many of those Americans likely would be non-union workers under such management.K
neejerkitis is commonly a Desperatic ailment. Nothing in recent months more exemplifies this than Portgate®. Union members make up the core of Demoorefat Party voters. With very few exceptions, port workers are
"guaranteed annual income" union members. Perceiving themselves losing that source of votes, and thus power, if they don't tow the unions' exclusionary, protectionist line and obstruct every deal that would make any of our ports a place where all qualified Americans have the opportunity and right to choose work, the always easily startled Deliaratic misleaders instantly came out against the UAE-management deal.
“The people are actually in the port picking up the containers, working the cranes, moving the carts around and so forth. These are all longshoremen, and they’re American citizens, and they don’t change no matter who is in charge — who is the owner of the lease in the port.” |
– STEPHEN FLYNN Marine Board member, National Academy of Sciences, and catastrophic terrorism expert |
Problem is they can't publicly say the reason they oppose the deal is that it would mean finally loosening the very costly, inefficient
grip unions currently have on those ports.
So these misleaders scrambled to come up with a totally uncharacteristic spin: It will harm national security! In their racist, reactionary, extremist, xenophobic, economy-wrecking, knee-jerk, panicky haste, however, they forgot that there's a new media which stands ever ready to beat them over the conical comical head — and rattle those emotionally addled, dead brains of theirs — with things more foreign to them than any Dubai Ports World manager; viz. facts, logic, and sound reasoning.
Unlike moonbatraitors, conservatives' ears are naturally attuned to matters affecting our national security. Moreover, we prefer having all the relevant facts before concluding whether anything like the UAE port deal may be harmful to it. Although Traitorat Party misleaders had counted on our tossing out that preference and reacting to their latest Shrill Cry of Imminent Doom!™ in a way that provides them an ample smokescreen to obscure their real, union-kowtowing motives, the mists from that initial WTF-gas canister are miserably failing them, being quickly dispersed by the winds of truth now blowing in.