Tuesday, December 13, 2005 |
Shouldn't there be a bylaw or something to prevent the nomination of convicted quadruple murderers?T
oday the world is a safer place, prison guards have less cause to
watch their backs, children no longer need fear any
possible escape of at least one remorseless, cold-blooded killer from another
understaffed prison, and bleeding-heart Swiss legislators are left hunting around for
other brutal butchers of peaceable, law-abiding citizens to nominate for Nobel "Peace" Prizes.
While nominated one "Peace" Prize for each of the five flesh-ripping, bone-shattering shotgun blasts he, by his own self-damning admission, fired into the unarmed and defenseless bodies of Yen-I Yang (2), his wife Tsai-Shai Yang (2), and their daughter Yee-Chen Lin (1), all at extremely close range, before stealing from them only a tiny fraction of what the Nobel committee would've given him — as well as four in "literature" for the equally flesh-ripping, bone-shattering shotgun blasts he fired into the back of an equally unarmed and defenseless father of two young children Albert Lewis Owens (2), all also at extremely close range, after literarily ordering him to "lay down, mother f*****" (1) and non-fictionally shooting out the store's security monitor (1), and before also stealing an equally tiny fraction of what the Nobel committee would've given him — the late Nobel Prize nominee was unable to secure any nomination in literature for his later Gurgle Tale ("you should have heard the way he sounded when I shot him") or its sequel Ode to My Jury ("I'm going to get each and every one of you mother f******"). Maybe he'll receive that nomination next year — posthumously.
In the meantime this lady, as of today, will be standing noticeably taller:

Free Republic for the
link to graphic photographs of the late Nobel Prize nominee's works.

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