Friday, November 18, 2005 |
Knowing your enemy can beat you, or you can beat him?P
lan B — Operation Dhimmoralize America — is what Desperats, the Dhimmistream Media, and our country's other domestic enemies have fallen back on after their Plan A (Operation BushLied! Part Deux) completely unraveled. Faced with having to hear their own
"We believe Saddam Hussein is a threat too!" words thrown back in their faces, they're now resorting to yet again calling Iraq — a country whose people we helped liberate from a mass-murderous tyrannical madman who was among and supported our foreign enemies; a country that is now among our strongest allies, is conducting free and open elections for the very first time in
over fifty years, has adopted a new permanent constitution, whose 15 of its 18 provinces are together safer than either
Detroit or downtown Washington DC, is raising an effective force of freedom fighters against an
increasingly demoralized mutual enemy (
Rip & Read Blogger Podcast), and will hold its first parliamentary elections next month — a "mistake." (We should hope for such "mistakes" more often.)
So, in the middle of our fighting along the main front of this World War, Deceiverats are demanding we retreat from it right now. Not ever wishing our nation to fight and win another war because that might detract from their plans to seize political power and turn her into the Utopian Socialist States of America, the Way of the Dodocrat™ is to help give their tool-operator Osama Bin Laden exactly what he wants — whether a Hanoi John F'in' al-Qerry presidency or a Second American Viet Nam.
Let's see what would happen if we follow the Democowardrats' Surrender Plan. As a recruitment tool for terrorists, it would be tremendously successful:
Terrorist Recruiter: Join us, brother, and we'll kill all the invading infidel crusaders.
Potential Terrorist Recruit: Are you nuts? They're wiping out you guys faster than I can slip my votes into the ballot box.
Terrorist Recruiter: That's before they decided to surrender and retreat. Now we have them scared and on the run. They are but dogs with their infidel tails between their cowardly legs.
Potential Terrorist Recruit: Well, when you put it that way. Where do I sign?
Terrorist Recruiter: Here, take this knife I used to decapitate the last infidel crusading dog.
Potential Terrorist Recruit: And do what with it?
Terrorist Recruiter: Slash it across your palm and drop some of your blood on this Pledge to Sheikh Bin Laden, and you're in.
Potential Terrorist Recruit: Whew! I though you were going to ask me to cut someone's head off.
Terrorist Recruiter: You won't have to do that until we send you to our training camp.
Potential Newest Terrorist Recruit: (drop drop drop) Allahu akbar!
We fall back. The terrorists move forward. Yeah, that's offering us a really good way to win this World War.
What's your Plan C, Deadenderats?

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