Monday, November 14, 2005 |
Truth. Facts. Demobrats' dissembling all worn out and tired.T
errorists can always count on the Traitoratic Party and its accomplices in the Traitorstream Media — aka
Osama Bin Laden's PR agency and al-Qaeda's Ministry of Propaganda, respectively — to pinch hit for them whenever their mass-murderous team really needs a runner on base. Fortunately for all us loyal members of America's team, our starters and relief pitchers are sending each one who's loony enough to step into the
ballot batter's box, right back to their
depressed dugout. No matter what the inning, these sluggerless slugs stumble over to the plate, raise their moonbats around their pointy heads, and come away with nothing but more
KKK's against them.
This is especially true when they're pinch hitting for terrorists. On the mound delivering devastating factballs to such Dhimmimi combatants now is Norman Podhoretz. His article, "Who Is Lying About Iraq?" in the December issue of Commentary, not only drives their moonbatting average further down into lower double digits — just above their collectivist IQ's — but has left terrorists no other choice than to send them all down to the minor-traitor leagues.

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