Wednesday, November 23, 2005 |
If anyone deserves our expressions of thanks...T
hey do more for us than we could ever know, often in places we would never go even if someone paid us a hundred times as much as what they normally receive. These are not normal times, however. Although our nation is at war and our freedoms are threatened as never before, we back here in our homes remain safe and more prosperous than we should ever expect now because of what they all are doing far away from theirs. Yet they won't demand or even ask anything in return other than letting them finish the jobs they were sent to do.
If our Soldiers, Sailors, Marines, Airmen, and Coast Guardsmen can't be home for Christmas or Hanukkah, the least we could do is bring Christmas and Hanukkah as much as we can to them. Our presents, cards, and letters are cherished reminders to them of home and of the gratefulness felt by citizens whose constitution they've sworn to support and defend. Wishing to show them such gratitude is something on which all Americans are already strongly united. Showing it to them in this way would not be difficult.
Whether a filled Christmas stocking from Treats for Troops, a snack package from Hickory Farms, a phone card from VFW's Operation Uplink or Military Exchange so they can call their loved ones back home, a commissary gift certificate from the Army & Air Force Exchange Service, a magazine subscription through PRIMEDIA's Subscriptions for Soldiers, a letter via Operation Dear Abby, gifts or practical items sent by way of 4 The Troops, A Soldier's Wish List, Adopt a Platoon, and more, or a "Send Santa To The Troops" care package, there are many ways to help make Christmas or Hanukkah 2005 the biggest one ever for all our Troops overseas who are defending us, our nation, and our freedoms.
Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours and especially to our brave defenders and their families.

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