Tuesday, November 29, 2005 |
What law abiding citizens can and must do when law enforcement either is unavailable or is too busy looting the nearest WalMart.F
ortunately for this couple, the City of New Orleans didn't get around to unconstitutionally confiscating their only means of reliable and immediate protection:
- As we pulled up in front of my apartment building, I told Debbi that we could only take a few minutes to get whatever we were going to need from the apartment. I knew that the longer the Blazer sat on Julia Street (a mere four blocks from the Morial Convention Center), the greater the chance of it either being stolen or having its gasoline siphoned out. The two of us then proceeded upstairs and began to pack frantically. I strapped the [pre-1989 Norinco] AKM across my back when I carried the first load downstairs. When I got there, I looked through the pedestrian gate that surrounds the building and I saw a group of five men circling the Blazer looking through its windows. One of them was clearly trying to read the fuel gauge.
Knowing what they were about to do, I dashed through the gate and yelled at them to get away from the vehicle. As I charged through the gate, I unslung the AKM. At first, the malice in their eyes and their threatening moves toward us could not have been more clear. It wasn't about just the Blazer anymore. Then, they each saw the rifle and, without hesitating, turned and ran. If I had been unarmed, I never would have done this, and they would have taken the only means of escape that was available to us. I watched the impulse that shot through each of them the second they saw my AKM — it was the unmistakable and immediate impulse of complete terror. They responded dramatically to the sight of that AKM. It was better than having a team of Rottweilers.
I am thankful that I had it because, minutes later, Debbi and I drove across the Greater New Orleans Bridge and on to Houston — and safety.
— From "Escape from New Orleans" by Martin K.A. Morgan, America's 1st Freedom, December 2005, p. 70.
Liberals, ever wont to take away rights from those who are entitled to them (e.g., ordinary citizens) while wishing to grant rights to those who aren't (e.g., criminals and captured terrorists), would undoubtedly say that this citizen should not have been so armed or abusive towards such obvioulsy disadvantaged at-risk carless persons, but instead have gone back inside and called 911 WalMart and asked for the police's help. Of course, had the police — who earlier had been helping themselves to WalMart's sporting goods aisle — arrived and found the man beaten and mutilated and the woman raped and strangled, liberals would be first to jump to the defense of the thieves, rapists, and murderers.
Again, thank the Lord that city officials hadn't illegally confiscated this citizen's lawful arms and thus left him utterly defenseless, as they were doing against little old ladies, rescue-boat volunteers, and other law abiding individuals. Else this story wouldn't have had such a happy ending.

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