That's the praise you brave heroes get from this very grateful citizen for making two already-dead, hell-bound enemies of civilization that.B
oo hoo hoo. Poor little already-dead terrorists. What a shock their postmortem constitutional rights were violated!
While their appeasers, sympathizers, aiders, and comforters in the media both here and abroad whine and complain about a very useful military tactic for necessarily humiliating and demoralizing our mortal enemies so they'll either break ranks and desert or succumb to undisciplined rage, thus making our heroes' jobs of bringing them to justice and permanently defeating them a less risky one, I for one am most thankful that our real soldiers — unlike some of their PC-mindful "leaders" whose butts brains are only good for polishing cushioned chairs behind bureaucratized desks on soft, pastel-color carpeted floors at the Pentagon — are doing whatever it takes to fight this total war to actually win it for America and the rest of the civilized world.
Our enemy's martyrs fighters baby-bombers have signed no Geneva, Paris, Madrid, Turtle Bay or any other kind of convention, nor ever even pretend that they have whenever they get hold of any of our heroes before summarily beheading him. None of our troops should ever have any of his hands tied with such fatal pretension either. He should be honored — not harassed by those claiming to be on our side or overly fearful of child-targeting killers — for improving our chances of hunting down and wiping out this entirely dishonorable, cowardly enemy.
Our heroes here all deserve a well done for making those two deservedly dead cowards well done in order to flush out and drive back more of that rancid pigmeat.

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