Wednesday, September 07, 2005 |
While New Orleans' mayor-in-name-only M.T. Noggin issues senseless orders that no one has any intention of ever obeying, it's time for other city leaders to take real charge of relief efforts there.R
escue, recovery, and clean-up activities are — to paraphrase Nancy Poison Pill, O.C. (Obstructor-in-Chief) — clearly not within Clueless Ray's "experience or credentials." Unless real city leaders want what will only turn out to be a bloody riot on their hands, with both citizens and rescue workers getting hurt and even killed, they need to promptly remove or suspend
Clearance Nagging One from office before some fool believes this "mayor" still has any effective authority left and begins trying to grab any armed people who obviously want to stay, from their own homes.
The military has already said their job does not include sparking such riots. Nor are police officers willing to engage in entirely unnecessary firefights with the local populace in neighborhoods that are all but capable of holding their own. They aren't going anywhere else without a fight. Why not recruit these more self-reliant citizens in door-to-door searches for folks who are still alive and wish to be evacuated? Especially since they've been there and best know who and where their neighbors may be?
Surely the New Orleans municipal charter provides for removal of a senile, incapacitated, or woefully incompetent and negligent mayor. There can be no better or more justified time than right now to fully implement that provision — before it's too late.

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