No one else gives the latter aid and comfort like the former.R
ight of dissent has its limits. It is not absolute. With it come responsibilities.
If Demoonbats continue to abuse this right in time of war and national danger — increasingly giving the public every reason to perceive their current exercise of it as mere pretense for their treason — they will end up destroying it, causing future generations of Americans to be denied its full blessings. I'm not the only one who sees this happening:
London's lessons
Retired Air Force Lt. Gen. Thomas McInerney, an author and terrorism analyst, says al Qaeda could execute a London-type train bombing "within 24" hours in the United States.
"But why attack here," Gen. McInerney said in an interview, "when you have leftists in America who have aided and abetted the enemy more than Tokyo Rose did in World War II? They don't need to set off bombs. If they set off bombs, they would silence the shrill of leftists in the United States."
Gen. McInerney says the July 7 London bombing was an attempt by Muslim militants to bring down Prime Minister Tony Blair and see him replaced by a left-wing Laborite who would pull troops out of Iraq.
Call it the Leftist-Terrorist version of the
Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact. The only real difference is that the surnames of their common enemy are not Churchill and Roosevelt, but Blair and Bush.

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