Wednesday, August 31, 2005 |
Whatever happened to "shoot on sight"?I
would call them scum, but I have more respect for scum than to lump the likes of these unlawful, selfish lowestlifes with it. A business owner who was looking to sell whatever he had left that was worth selling to whoever he could, just so he can feed and clothe his family, now has even less than he did after the winds and floods came because some graverobbers-in-training decided to help themselves to his store and clean it out while he was down or physically incapacitated. These criminals are literally picking the pockets of the dead. They deserve nothing less than to be treated as third-class citizens — if not shot right where they stand with that business owner's suit or stereo set or bigscreen TV — all inedible, by the way — in their greedy, grubby, less than useless hands.
Instead of taking those hands and the rest of themselves to where they can be helpful to a hurting, fellow citizen, they are inflicting more pain and hurt. There is nothing that can excuse or in any way justify their preying on Americans who are all disadvantaged now and enriching themselves on the latter's broken backs and weakened state. Even a mugger would have more consideration for his victim's well-being than that.
Thanks to liberals like the governor Malevolent Mistress of Louisiana, who preach victimhood like it were some kind of religion, these clumps of alleged-human refuge, who have no more business stealing our oxygen than anything else that's rightfully ours, feel entitled to taking advantage of even the worst situation and to whatever they can grab out of it, at the cost of real citizens' increased pain and suffering. Hell's future population has just grown by this villainously new breed of barbarians who blatantly went around terrorizing New Orleans's few unflooded streets.
It's still up in the air whether even hell is willing to welcome into its midst these obviously heartless, soulless creatures.

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