Where's his voice? What do his comrades with whom he most closely served say?
How did, as Maj. Gen. Rodney Kobayashi called him, this soldier’s soldier view his commander-in-chief and the war for our civilization's survival against islanimal fascists? The libiased anti-America press won't tell you.“A
rmy Spec. Casey Sheehan, 24, of Vacaville, California.
"Sheehan died in Baghdad, Iraq, when his unit was attacked with rocket-propelled grenades and small arms fire. He was assigned to 1st Battalion, 82nd Field Artillery Regiment, 1st Cavalry Division, Fort Hood, Texas. Died on April 4, 2004." (Honor the fallen)
- Sheehan and seven soldiers were killed when their units were attacked by rocket-propelled grenades and small-arms fire south of Baghdad.
In addition to his parents, Patrick and Cindy, Sheehan is survived by his brother, Andy, and sisters, Carly and Jane.
Sheehan was killed Sunday in a fire-fight outside Baghdad. Sheehan’s family members said his sergeant told them he and another soldier, Cpl. Forest J. Jostes, volunteered to be part of a quick response team when rioting started in Baghdad.
“He didn’t have to go,” said Sheehan’s 23-year-old sister, Carly. “He would do anything for anybody. He’d give you the shirt off his back. He was just a loving and caring person.” (Fallen Heroes Memorial)
"'Anything I ever asked Casey to assist me with, he was always willing to do,' Father Benedict DeLeon said.
"It was the same dedication the 1997 Vacaville High School graduate showed when he re-enlisted in August (2003) to serve his country and make his family proud.
"'It was just another way of serving,' his father Pat Sheehan said.
"It was that life the gathering of friends and family at their West Avenue home talked about in the two days since military officials told the Sheehans that Army Spec. Casey Sheehan, 24, was killed in Iraq on Sunday.
. . .
"Vacaville Mayor Len Augustine visited the family Monday and plans to see the city's flags lowered to half mast in honor of Casey on the day of the memorial service.
"The Sheehan family is asking that any memorial contributions be made c/o Casey Sheehan's Memory, Camp Pendola, Diocese of Sacramento, 2110 Broadway, Sacramento, CA., 95818." (The Iraq Page)
- "The Sheehan Family lost our beloved Casey in the Iraq War and we have been silently, respectfully grieving. We do not agree with the political motivations and publicity tactics of Cindy Sheehan. She now appears to be promoting her own personal agenda and notoriety at the the expense of her son's good name and reputation. The rest of the Sheehan Family supports the troops, our country, and our President, silently, with prayer and respect.
"Casey Sheehan's grandparents, aunts, uncles and numerous cousins." (Drudge Report)
"Casey Sheehan is dead. He cannot speak for himself, he cannot inform us as to how he'd feel about what his mother is doing. His family as a whole is, it appears, divided on the issue.
"He was an adult, old enough to make his own decisions. In death, I can only hope that he's not being exploited for the political benefit of those who oppose the war. I see no evidence that this media circus is what he would have wanted." (Campus Progress)
- "But more than that, it also makes my chest swell with pride that we have so many young men and women who believe so strongly in the cause of freedom and of defending the United States of America, that they would go against their own mother’s wishes and personal beliefs—that they would be willing to die for their own beliefs. Which is what Spc. Sheehan did. (UrbanGrounds)
- "Spc. Sheehan’s life…his actions…more than anything his mom might say, illustrate what he believed concerning his life’s work as a soldier.
"Ask the men and women who served with Casey. Ask his platoon sergeant. Ask his bunker buddy. I’ll bet my pay check against your’s that they’d tell you that Spc. Sheeha the soldier would be embarrassed— if not outraged—by his mother’s actions. As a former soldier who felt the same way Casey did about serving his country, I know in this instance I would argue that his mother doesn’t know him best." (comment to above)
"But those who knew the young man she so publicly mourns agree that if anyone is an appropriate face for the war's more than 1,800 U.S. deaths, it is Casey. He had a gentle but firm commitment to family, church and country,
re-enlisting after the war started and volunteering for the rescue mission in which he and six others were killed last year. "'Casey was quiet, but he loved to serve and it didn't matter whether it was working in the kitchen, backstage or up front,' recalled Steve Tholcke, who directs a Catholic youth camp where Sheehan worked as a counselor and organized youth retreats. 'If something needed to be done, Casey was there to do it.'
Born on Memorial Day, Casey Austin Sheehan was the first of Cindy and Patrick Sheehan's four children....
"'I remember always admiring Casey for being so dedicated to church as a young person,' (fellow church member Stefanie) Fereday-Mannel said. 'He didn't really care what people said or thought. He had very strong values about his family and church'....
"'He was so sweet and so shy and so quiet, you had a hard time seeing him as a soldier,' (faculty adviser Mary) Mazzocco said. 'But he really did get into it. The last time I saw him on campus he was in his uniform and very proud of it and very proud to have made it through basic training'....
"Since his death, Casey Sheehan has been honored in quiet ways. His old Boy Scout troop created an award in his honor. The chapel at Fort Hood started a new Knights of Columbus chapter that was named the 'Spc. Casey Austin Sheehan Council.'" (AOL News)
- "Cindy Sheehan can protest all she wants, but IMO it shows an extremem lack of respect for the decisions her son made. I wonder what the soldier who served with Casey, those who actually knew him, have to say about Cindy's antics." (comment on Third Party & Independents)

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