Wednesday, August 31, 2005 |
“But the main reason Bush invaded Iraq, it turns out, was so Republicans could take back the US Senate in the election of 2002, and Bush could finally win an election in 2004.” —Thom Hartmann, author of What Would Jefferson Do?

f progerals/libressives would come up with something new — something that actually made sense — reasonable people might pay attention to them. As it is, they're no more on the charts than their beloved
DeadAir America. With so obvious a "deterioration of intellectual faculties, such as memory, concentration, and judgment, resulting from an organic disease or a disorder of the brain" (such as it being dead), they'd be lucky to have their own 'ttakesavillage "families" admit they share the same bloodforoil-line.
On the brighter side (for them), when our government officials finally grow enough spine to start hauling these veritable clowns into court for treasonously aiding and comforting America's wartime enemies, they all can plead unmitigated insanity.
Case in point (the insanity part, at least) is Louisiana's governor Kathleen Babblineaux Blancobrain. Taking time out from issuing Multiple Chemical Sensitivity Awareness Month proclamations, she's now ordering the complete evacuation of New Orleans right after a catastrophic natural disaster that's rendered every one of its citizen totally incapable of doing any such thing, as if she were their absolute dictator instead of the state's executive authority. What does she plan on doing, sending in cattle cars and rounding up New Orleansians and packing them in — eighty to a boxcar — before transporting them in the sweltering heat to a bunch of camps somewhere deep within the Louisiana countryside? Why not instead giving these survivors what they need to help themselves, so they can get down to work rebuilding their own city?
There's only one person I see who needs to be forcibly evacuated as far from New Orleans as possible; and that's Governor Diktatorat K.B. Blancobrain.

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