Kalifornia-government tested, terrorist approvedB
ill Lockyer, Kalifornia S.S.R.'s Attorney General, hates America, including her Armed Forces and houses of worship. Why else would he authorize
this alleged "art" to litter the walls and floor of the taxpayer owned-and-funded public building which he was, for some apparently grossly-mistaken reason, elected to run?
It is an honor to co-host this powerful exhibit and display the talent of our legal community.
Powerful only if you're a pointy-headed liberal lawyer, murderous baby-killing terrorist, or another of America's mortal enemies.
Creative expression stimulates freedom of thought, appreciation for diversity and opens new windows onto the world in which we live.
More like stimulates our enemy's morale and his appreciable praises to Allah for the divisiveness this "Art" Exhibit in Honor of Osama Bin Laden and His Murderous Band of Islamofascists® opens up by removing the manhole cover onto the sewer in which anti-America extremist liberals live, and allowing their piss-and-moan crap to be prominently sprayed all over the walls and flooring inside one of Kalifornia
taxpayers' subjects' major public buildings. Osama sends his "t'anks" for that creation.
The collected works of these fine artists—and lawyers—achieve these worthwhile objectives with style and beauty.
Only an ungrateful, radical extremist nutjob—or our terrorist enemies—would characterize pictures of America in the toilet and mushroom clouds over our U.S. Capitol as A Thing Of Beauty™.
The only thing left now is to rename the state capital "Osamamento, Kalif."

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