Could you at least wait until all the victims' bodies are buried before trying to wrench some politcal advantage from their deaths?T
he London Massacre was hardly a day old when snobgressives began picking through the severed arms and legs and mangled bodies of the dead and those still clinging to life, ghoulishly looking for any bloody pound or even ounce of flesh to extract from our wartime leaders.
Abu Musab al-Zitcoward, the Jordanian militant head scum terrorist, must be laughing in his VX nerve oil:
We argued...that the attacks on Afghanistan and Iraq would increase the threat of terrorist attack in Britain....Londoners have now paid the price of the government ignoring such warnings.
No, that wasn't Zitcoward crowing, mere hours after the Act of War. It was former Labour MP
George Galloway.
This massacre was no shot across the bow, meant to scare Britons so that they'll retreat from Iraq and the other fronts of World War IV. It was aimed right between the eyes, with one clear, simple message: "No matter what you do, regardless how many radical imans you welcome into your country and tolerate, despite how much you may wish to fight or prosecute or stand up, offer therapy, or even surrender to us, we will come after you—with bombs, knives, airplanes, and anything else we can get our hands on—and we will kill you, we will kill your women, your children, your old people, your whites, your blacks, your Jews, your Muslims, and we will keep on killing you until all of you are dead or we are."
That's who and what our enemy is. With them is where all the blame lies.
Instead of inadvertently (and not so inadvertently) helping them, liberals, with your we're-to-blame ignorance, try showing some respect at least for the people whose lives were destroyed only a day ago by that very real enemy of our civilization.

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