But your International Freedom Center America's Just As Bad Centre has no place at or anywhere near Ground Zero.G
eoge, Richard
Shouldertapper Tofel,
Stephen Globalizer Heintz,
Michael Torture! Posner, A(CLU)nthony Romero, Eric "Defeat Our Troops" Foner, Tom SueRummy Bernstein, and Human Rights First Dirty Bombers First Blame America First Inc. Go build your Hate America Centre in France, a country where the words
fight and
freedom are never, ever spoken in the same sentence.

I support
Steve Malzberg's idea. We—the American Taxpayers who are funneling over a quarter-billion of our hard earned dollars into this memorial—should instead "build an on-site museum that traces the history of terrorist attacks against the United States and freedom-loving people all over the world. We can call it the Museum of the History of Terror."

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