How willing are liberals to side with judges and a "husband" who choose life?M
achiavelli Schiavo, under the following imaginary scenario, is still an adulterous scumbag, cohabitating with his other wife and children while remaining the guardian of his in-name-only wife Terri Schindler (Schiavo), who is mentally handicapped but not terminally ill.
Except he's got a court order allowing Terri to live, while her parents have been fighting for her "right to die with dignity." The presiding probate court judge in their case has received campaign donations from all but two members of the "husband's" legal team, has relied solely on the "husband" and his two sibling's hearsay testimony that Terri would still want to live even under these circumstances, and has practically ignored numerous witnesses who dispute that testimony.
Imagine, also, that each house of Congress is made up of mostly Democrats and there is a President Hanoi John F'in' al-Qerry occupying the White House. (Insert shudder.) And they all believe that Terri should have a new trial of her case in federal district court so her due-process and other constitutional rights will be protected. So Congress passes a limited law affording her such a day in court and the president signs it. Terri's parents immediately take her case to federal court. The district and appeals court judges, however, drag their feet in an effort to thwart the new law.
Even in this instance I would be saying let Terri have her day in court. Let the issues regarding her federal civil rights be fully examined and resolved. Remove the adulterous scumbag as Terri's guardian and find a disinterested individual to take his place. Just as important, do not allow judges to willfully and blatantly undermine a duly enacted law that hasn't been declared unconstitutional by any court of competent jurisdiction. Give justice a fair chance.
Would the notACLUers, NOWers and other lefties share the same view then? I believe they would.
The difference is that Terri must be quickly rescued from dying from forced starvation/dehydration if she's ever going to get that shot at justice. But folks on the left hope she'll hurry up and die so she never gets that chance. Is it a wonder then that a growing majority of voters don't want such people in any public positions of power?
Dramatic executive-branch intervention superseding both state and federal court rulings was supported by liberals
when Janet Reno did it.
New England Republican)

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