Wednesday, March 30, 2005 |
No wonder judges won't allow either the Ten Commandments or any other mention of God on public property. They want to get rid of all the competition.B
lood stains are hard to get out once they've set in. The only way to reduce all obvious appearance of them on one's clothing is to obscure their blots by wearing black. Such is more clear today than I have ever known it to be in my lifetime. Inequality. Injustice. Over lawyered. No need to recarve that above the entrance to your
star chambers. It's there in plain sight for everyone to see.
How equal are the rights of a little girl to live unthreatened and unmolested, to those of the piece of filth that tortured, raped, and murdered her, when you enable early releases and dismissals on technical grounds of such filth? Why is it a federal district court has authority to come in and all but undermine any state's law intended to protect children like her, thus providing criminals the loophole they need to murder more, but not when it comes to protecting the lives of unsuspecting citizens?
What justice are you offering an innocent, physically healthy women you've sentenced to a barbaric and painful form of death after leaving her choices and life at the mercy of a most untrustworthy "spouse," while sadistically dangling out hope for her and her parents then immediately snatching it away once again? Where was your protection for another woman who pleaded for it from you "weeks before her husband stabbed her to death"?
Who can hope to find justice in your courts so long as your refuse to grant any to the accosted and threatened citizens hoping for it, but instead allow the dangerous and criminally unremitting the freedom to roam our streets unrestrained?
When will we remove our nation out from under your utopian hellish, Parthenonic one of lawyers, and return her solely to one, under God, of laws?

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