Wednesday, February 23, 2005 |
He's practically a bigamist, having kids with another woman, yet the court won't even allow the "wife" to have her own attorney so she can raise these clear grounds for divorce from a "husband" who literally wants her dead.Y
ou have no protected rights if you're unable to speak and live in Florida. Although you need no medical intervention to keep you alive—your heart still beats on its own, and all you need is food and air—unless you can talk or use sign language, you're toast. Your "husband," who's living with another woman, would like to see you out of the way, permanently. Then he can inheret the entire amount of your trust fund's money. The only thing he needs to do is smother you with a pillow until you suffocate, or deny you all liquids and food until you dehydrate and starve. A painful, agonizing death either way. In Florida, the courts are his helpful friend. They will let him do the latter so long as he can give hearsay testimony that you told him, in passing, that you'd "want to die" if you merely couldn't talk or otherwise move. It doesn't even matter that he waited until you were awarded millions of dollars in a medical malpractice lawsuit before he started offering such hearsay testimony. You're loaded; but he can't have your money until you're dead. So now he says you want to die. Who are you to argue? You can't talk or move. Florida's courts just take your silence as agreement.
Florida Judge George Greer (video) and his colleagues are saying they'll speak for you. What they would be saying, however, is, "You die."
We ordain and establish our government, including its courts, to protect our lives, liberty, and property. When it's failing to do so for any of us, unless we act to prevent or correct that failure then it can and likely will in the future fail all of us.

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