Wednesday, January 12, 2005 |
ust the other day I was digging in my backyard, when all of a sudden I stumbled across this weird looking rock formation. It was buried only a few feet below the earth. I pulled out a large chunk that had obviously broken off from the rest of the formation. When I turned it over, I said "Wow!" Embedded in it was something that looked exactly like a fossilized bird, but with a long, dinosaur-like tail that had a fish-like fin at the end of it. Not only that, but also embedded at the place where the
dino-birdfish's belly had been was another fossilized creature which looked to all the world like a prehistoric monkey. "Amazing!" I shouted. Here I had evidence of a monkey-eating, birdfish dinosaur. But then I thought, that's stupid. There's no such thing. So I tossed it in the trash with some
other junk. It's probably in my local landfill by now.

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